Friday 6 February 2009

From the files: Max Mandl

Due to more cold-induced apathy I’m raiding my accumulated files of ‘interesting stuff’ today.
This is a scan of a photocopy of a drawing on a page in a Portuguese book called Almanach Bertrand, published in 1914. It’s signed by Max Mandl, who, according to my in-depth research (he's not on Wikipedia), may have been born in Sibiu, Transylvania in 1864. Later he may have moved to Munich where he may have worked for the publishing house Braun & Schneider. He may have died in 1937.
I found a Portuguese blog that may be dedicated to the Almanac Bertrand but it doesn’t seem to go back beyond 1926.

None of which has anything to do with Paris, but, to quote Andy Warhol, "So what?".

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